It's not just a job role; it's a job in a workplace

Two managers, each with the same job in every way - except for where each manager works. It's not enough to consider a person's competencies and personality (even if that's powerful all by itself) along with skills; to best determine suitability we need to consider the workplace culture

The first steps in defining a work place culture are the 'boring but important' kind: The actual location of the job -  even having the option to define this workplace as remote. (Candidates will see this location information when they go to apply for your job.)

Now, for the fun part! For each of the 41 dimensions of culture - grouped within Belonging, Climate, and Performance -  select which level of overall importance that dimension has for this specific workplace. (You might need to consult with your client or hiring manager to best define a job's workplace culture.)

For any dimension that you've rated other than 'Not Applicable', you'll then choose the level that's closest to defining that dimension for this workplace. 

It might seem redundant to choose an overall and specific level of importance, but the two work together.

Once you complete the definition of this job's workplace culture, you'll have the option to save it as a Culture Template. You may have other jobs that, while different in every other way, are within the same workplace. Templates are a way to both save time and have consistent results for culture fit.